Robotics + Art

New technological advancements allow new ways of creation in society and more specifically, in art. In this week's lecture, we explored some of the history of technology in art. Professor discussed the printing press which Gutenberg took credit for but was created by the Chinese. The birth of the printing press was one of the major turning points for mechanization and industrialization having a part in the distribution of art. The printing press allowed news, books, and even scientific findings to be dispersed quickly to large amounts of people spreading knowledge like nothing seen before. From lecture, I really came to understand the impact that the printing press had on the spread of art. 

Printing Press, Courtesy of

The creation of the printing press opened doors for many more technological advancements, one of them being the mechanization of how things were made. Assembly lines and mass production became very useful and common during this industrial phase of society. Mass production allowed for an increase in job opportunity as well as more production that led to more consumer access of goods such as art. However, Walter Benjamin, a German philosopher, argues that certain aspects of art are diminished when replicated and produced differently for the masses. In his book, "The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction," he argues that mechanical production changes the 'aura' and meaning of an art piece. He says that the beauty of art is how it is created and when mass produced, that uniqueness is not as prominent. I, too, agree that there is a sense of individuality that is lost in mass producing. However, I appreciate the accessibility and quantity created so varieties of people can benefit from art in society. 

Industrial Revolution Assembly Lines, Courtesy of

Video of how art is affected by technological advancements. Courtesy of


Benjamin, Walter. "The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction." 1936. 

Monsurez, Eric. “Quick History of the Printing Press -.” The Marsid M&M Group Blog, 17 Jan. 2018,

“Survival Research Labs.” SRL,

Vesna, Victoria. "Intro." DESMA 9, 21 April 2022, UCLA, Bruinwalk, Unit 3.

Vesna, Victoria. "Lecture Part 1." DESMA 9, 21 April 2022, UCLA, Bruinwalk, Unit 3.

“Walter Benjamin and Aura: ‘the Work of Art in the Age of Its Technological Reproducibility’ Part 1.” YouTube, YouTube, 18 Jan. 2021,


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